Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Helping ‘Julehjælpen’
‘Julehjælpen’ is Danish for ‘The Christmas Help’. It’s an organization, which  provides boxes with all you need to celebrate Christmas, to less fortunate families.
This year, we wanted to help them, so we gathered all our old toys, repaired any damage and washed it, before wrapping it.
(Josephine and Julie sorting the teddybears)
We didn’t just give away our own toys, but many other student came down, and gave us their old toys. When we were almost done with wrapping and we thought we could relax, a mom rolled up in her minivan, and gave us eight sacks and one big box of toys. That meant more sorting and wrapping for us.

A few weeks after, we went to the location where Julehjælpen handed out the boxes. They were a bit surprised over the amount of gifts we had gathered.
At ‘the handout’ people would just come for their box, not knowing anything about our gifts for their children. A mom started crying, but it was tears of joy. She didn’t know, that she would get so many gifts for her children.
The employees were very friendly. They offered us lemonade, tea and cookies, while constantly thanking us for what we had done.
We didn’t think we’d have enough presents for everyone, but when we were done, we had to give almost 12 presents for ONE FAMILY! We still had gifts to spare, so everybody had a merry Christmas!


  1. Fantastic! Huge piles of wrapped presents and efforts to help less fortunate families!

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